AddRespWrite2.js I have somewhat extensively modified Christopher Bradford's "addrespwrite" script, to give it the following features. a. Detects the current language by reading any <%@LANGUAGE%> tag at the beginning of the page, and adjusts the code output for either JScript or VBScript. example) <%@ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> the line Text converts to Response.Write "Text" & vbCrLf <%@ LANGUAGE="javascript" %> the line Text converts to Response.Write("Text\n"); b. Outputs "with blocks" in either language if the number of lines selected is greater than two. example) the lines
  • line 1
  • line 2
  • line 3 vbscript format With Response .Write "
  • line 1" & vbCrLf .Write "
  • line 2" & vbCrLf .Write "
  • line 3" & vbCrLf End With javascript/jscript format with (Response) { Write("
  • line 1\n"); Write("
  • line 2\n"); Write("
  • line 3\n"); } c. Correctly handles SCRIPT and comment tags that would otherwise cause errors when appearing inside a